Time, Our Most Valuable Resource?
Of all the things we consider a resource (money, energy, water, people, etc.), I might argue that time is one of the most valuable. Time can be a great friend or it can be a terrible enemy.
Time is a great friend when we have the time to allow it to assist us in accomplishing activities.Almost every day, I discuss how time can work for investors and, in abundance, it will eventually smooth over the market ups and downs and we should expect a good rate of return on our stock investments.
We sometimes hear the phrase that “time heals all wounds” and if we have ever had an injury (whether physical or emotional), then we can relate to the fact that after time passes, it begins to heal and not hurt so bad.
On the other hand, time can be a foe, especially when there is not enough of it. It feels like in our rush-rush society, there is never enough time and we are constantly struggling to find enough time to get things done.
An unfortunate and tragic event occurred here in central Indiana recently. While school children were boarding the bus to go to school, a vehicle slammed into them, killing three siblings and sending a fourth child to the hospital. This is an instance where time is a horrendous enemy. One second, one moment, one small piece of history that can never be taken back. I cannot even imagine what the family might be going through. So many “never agains” that it makes my heart ache beyond belief.
We wish away so much of our time; “I wish it were the weekend.” “I wish today was over.” But do we every consider how truly valuable time can be. Life is a moment, and in the end, time will have gone too fast. We do not want to look back and proclaim, “if I only had more time!”
If you are still reading this, you have probably just spent a couple minutes, which means a couple of minutes are gone and you will never have them back. I hope you will say that you are glad you spent a couple minutes reading this, but either way, I hope you consider how valuable your time really is.
Among other things, I have the great fortune to spend my time helping other people consider their time.I help clients plan and prepare for the future. I believe that to make the best use of time, everyone should spend a small amount of that time on those activities. Once well prepared, people can spend their remaining allocation of time doing those things that bring purpose.
Disclosure: Investing involves risk including the potential loss of principal